22 June 2007

Things Moving Slowly But We're Still Here

Oh, it's been a while since I've posted. Truth is, not much has been happening regarding the adoption (which will probably be the case until we move and get started with the home study). It's been nice to meet some new people through all of this, though. I've received some email from folks looking at Uzbekistan and even a couple of email from people checking in because I have posted here--thanks, all! I've also been a bit out of it because I had my tonsils out earlier this week. They say it's much easier for kids to recover. I believe it because I am exhausted. I'm making mental notes, too, in case we have to go through this with our daughter.

(Whoa, I don't think I've even written "our daughter" before; it feels weird!)

One little bit of news is that we made out first adoption announcement to some family members on Father's Day. We had some of the in-law clan over for dinner and announced it afterward. No one was freaked out or negative (something I've been worried about in general, not just family). They asked questions about UZ and the next day my mother-in-law called my husband at work to tell him she thinks it's great news. Yay!

Then I had one of those comments I've heard about when I had to call our tax preparer for copies of some of our stuff for home study docs. She shared how her oldest child is adopted and then said she got pregnant 17 years later, "so there's always hope." Ugh. We do NOT have fertility issues. Why do people always assume that adoptive parents only adopt because they can't have biological children? I'm going to have to get used to this because I'm sure I'll be hearing similar comments often.

Well, I'm off to have a popsicle and some pain meds.

04 June 2007

It's Official: We're Doing This!

Things have been slow on the adoption front. Actually, they'll remain slow until we move to Minnesota, get settled, and get the home study underway (probably sometime in the fall). I have been reading some more int'l adoption blogs, specifically some others I've found that deal with Uzbek adoptions, and have spoken to 2 people who are going/have gone through the Uzbek program with the agency we plan on using. Both people had rave reviews about the agency and the coordinator for the Uzbek program.

So....we bit the bullet and I'm excited to say that today I mailed in our application! Can't wait to see where things go from here!